About Me

What I’m Working On

  1. 👨‍👦 I’m Dad to an awesome 2-year old boy, creative director of HighExistence.com, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, and curious explorer of all aspects of the human experience.
  2. 🎬 On my YouTube channel, I interview some of my favourite people, and share the insights that have been most useful to me over the years.
  3. 💌 I write a weekly Stoicism newsletter. Each Monday and Wednesday, I breakdown ancient Stoicism texts and provide short audio notes to help my readers navigate life with more tranquillity and wisdom. Check out the previous issues and maybe subscribe 😉
  4. 🎙 My HighExistence musketeers Mike Slavin, Eric Brown, and I host a weekly podcast called The HighExistence Podcast. Every Friday we talk about topics related to awe, wonder, philosophy, and contrarian views about life.
  5. ✍️ On this website I write articles about health, creativity, positive psychology, Stoicism, and general life hacks I’ve discovered through years of experimentation and research.

Other Stuff

  1. 🪄 I started learning magic aged 8, which introduced me to topics like storytelling, discipline, learning, and psychology. All of which I’m still curious about.
  2. 🎸 When I was 15 I learned to play electric guitar and joined a metal band. I found myself drawn to systematic technical drilling, which became a staple of my overall approach to learning.
  3. 👨‍🎨 Art has always been my greatest gift, and I ranked top in my country (Wales), during my final art exams where I painted two self-portraits in different styles.
  4. 🎥 I went to study film production in university (2008-2012), and discovered the world of books, which further deepened my interest in in writing and the human condition.
  5. 🔮 I started this blog in 2014, and shortly after met the co-founder of HighExistence, Martijn Schirp. I worked for HighExistence as an editor before joining the team and becoming a co-owner in 2015.
  6. 🥋 After a long battle with fear of confrontation and anxiety, I started Brazilian jiu-jitsu in 2019, and threw myself into it wholeheartedly, and it is now one of the most rewarding parts of my life. I enjoy the depth of learning that is required (which I have a knack for) as well as the way the sport challenges your ego.

Say Hello

If you want to connect or reach out to me directly, the best way is to send an email to "contact [at] jonbrooks.com." I will try my best to get back to you. 🙏